The Ultimate Resource Page - Update
When I first started collecting items for my resource page - which I eventually called The Ultimate Resource Page … for information publishers, I never knew how much of a big hit it was going to become.
With special thanks to Darren from ProBlogger who gave it a kick along it was StumbledUpon, and went through a sort of (very) mini viral phase - close to 10,000 uniques visits so far.
Going through my stats during that period was an eye-opener. Lets just say that my traffic jumped 800%+ … and what was more intriguing was that StumbleUpon was right up there - I really must check it out more and see what’s it all about.
The resource now lists more with new entries and categories.
I’m continuing to add resources to it and I’d like to say a special thanks to Teli and Zachary for their input.
I know there are others out there who sent in tips but in all the hustle and bustle I don’t know from where and from whom - so thanks to all and keep them coming … I promise to get better at acknowledging.
So what is The Ultimate Resource Page
Basically, it’s a list of resources in 20 categories that I have researched and believe are useful tools for an information entrepreneur.
The categories include: Online PDF Creat